Friday, October 26, 2012

{Five Favourites For Friday}

Five favourites for Halloween:

I'm not sure why we don't celebrate Halloween here in Australia.  It looks so much fun!  Will you be celebrating or doing anything spooky for Halloween?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

{Thrifted Finds: Posters, Pyrex and Plates}

I haven't done much thrifting over the last couple of months, but finally got a chance to earlier this week and came across these heart and spine medical charts.

You know I love Pyrex right?  Well after about 6 months of no Pyrex, all of a sudden I found three new to me pieces!  Wanna know more?  Head on over to the Pyrex Collective (where I share my love of Pyrex with lots of other Pyrex-maniacs) to read about these finds.

Last weekend we took a little drive and ended up spending a few nights away (I love it when you just hop in the car on a spur of the moment decision and just drive!). One of the nights we spent in Townsville and across the road from the hotel was a Lifeline store. I just had to go and have a peek, and I am so glad I did. I found a full set of Johnson Bros Lotus dinnerware.

I usually only find one blue and white plate that never matches any other blue and white plate I have, and never ever come across a whole set that matches.  Can you imagine how excited I was!!

Friday, October 12, 2012

{Five Favourites For Friday}

This week iheart:


This (pictured above) DIY tiered hanging pots via Design*Sponge

This driftwood hanging.  (Funny story: I was going through some old magazines from 2009 and ripped this page out of the mag to put in my 'ideas' scrapbook (it was out of a Country Style magazine).  Then about 10 minuted later I have a look-see on Pinterest and the very same image appeared on my feed (pinned by Completely Coastal via Apartment Therapy).  Do strange coincidental things like that happen to you? 

Earlier this week I semi-spring cleaned out my wardrobe and gave about 10 pairs of denim jeans to the thrift shop (I live in and love my jeans but had way too many!).  Maybe I should have used them to make this denim pocket hanger over at 101woonideeen (found via pinterest)

Its no secret that I love Instagram.  I have 'met' some great people through it and found a few more blogs to stalk!!  This weekend I will be reading Fiona's Lilyfield Life blog.  How did I not know about this blog before Instagram?

With November just around the corner (where has this year gone???) this means that for us here in the tropics of Far North Queensland we need to be getting ready for the cyclone season.  Our cyclone season runs from November through to May, so its time to sort out the emergency supplies box.  This weekend I'll be checking batteries, stocking the canned food, long life milk and bottled water.  This is something I do every.single.year at this time and after the scare of Cyclone Yasi in February 2011 its good to plan ahead and be ready for anything!

Friday, October 5, 2012

{Five Favourites For Friday}

With only 80 days until Christmas, this weeks five favourites are about Christmas trees.  Some of my favourites for this week (found via Pinterest) include:

Source: via IHeart on Pinterest

Do you think its too early to start thinking about Christmas?

Monday, October 1, 2012

{Take Me To The Beach}

Lately I've been fascinated with these products available from Castle

So I decided to try and make my own version of the cushion.

I used five different colours of wool felt and was going to try and make a cushion myself, but saw a plain white one at Spotlight on sale for $5.50, so used that instead.

I printed out the words and cut the felt, and sewed and sewed and sewed and sewed some more!

Finally after 2 weeks of late night sewing whilst watching tv and pricking myself approximately 20 million times, I now have my own colourful quote cushion!

"Take Me To The Beach"