Tuesday, August 7, 2012

{Sometimes I Cook}

Every now and then I cook.  Not just cook tea, but once in a blue moon* I actually bake.  Yep, I'm very domesticated!  I hate baking cakes.  Not that I don't love cake (who doesn't?), but because a:  they take too long, b: I make a mess and have to clean it up, and c: they just don't turn out how they are meant to. 

So what do I bake once in a blue moon*?  Chocolate Chip Cookies of course.  I've actually had this recipe for about 20 years and have no idea where I got it from.  (Most likely ripped out of a cookbook or magazine somewhere in my travels).

Read It

 Mix It

 Cook It

Eat It

This is one of the simplest recipes ever (so simple even I can cook them!), and they taste almost like Subway chocolate chip cookies - nice and soft.  I usually only cook mine close to the 10-12 min mark, but if you don't like soft cookies, cook for the full 15 mins.  Oh - and I use Cadbury choc chips, I've tried a few other brands and its just not the same.

FYI * And speaking of Blue Moons, did you know August is one of those months?  Two full moons in one month makes the second one a Blue Moon. (The first full moon was on the 2nd and the second one is on the 31st).  This is not due to happen again until July 2015.  I wish the moon really did shine blue on those nights.  And I guess I won't be baking chocolate chip cookies until then!

1 comment:

Desire Empire said...

Good for you. So glad they worked. Actually with baking, if you follow the recipe to a T it should work. I tend to muck aroud a bit and have more then my fair share of flops. but I do love to bake.